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  3. The Link between Migraine and Brain Fog & 15 Ways to Beat the Brain Fuzz

The Link between Migraine and Brain Fog & 15 Ways to Beat the Brain Fuzz

Female migraine patient’s hand holding a pocket watch signifying brain fog and time blindness
Getty Images / Black Salmon / 500px

You’ve just recovered from a migraine attack, and BAM! Brain fog. What gives?

Brain fog in the postdrome phase of a migraine attack is common and difficult to deal with. Laura McKee shares her experience with “a mushy mind” and time-blindness, along with 15 quick-fire tips to beat the post-migraine brain fuzz.

According to Science of Migraine, "Migraine is a major global health issue that affects over 10% of the population (≈ 1 billion people globally) and is the second leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide." One of the most pressing symptoms I face is "brain fog." 

Brain fog mostly appears as short-term memory loss and poor thinking skills. For instance, you may struggle to understand what you've just read or mentally stumble when finding a word you want to say. Brain fog isn't limited to migraine sufferers but is a common comorbid symptom.

As a chronic migraine sufferer, having 15 or more migraines a month, I experience brain fog daily. I have particularly noticed the impact on my time awareness as I was never late before chronic migraine. I have recently discovered why brain fog could lead to poor time perception.

In this article, I'll share my experience with migraine and brain fog and how it can affect my sense of time. Lastly, I'll provide some top tips for managing time with a “mushy mind.”

What is brain fog?

The American Migraine Foundation says: "People who get brain fog often say it makes it hard to focus and find the right words. They may feel distracted, forgetful, less alert, or have trouble completing simple tasks."

It can be caused by various health conditions and human habits, from sleep problems, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, acute illnesses (such as Covid-19), chronic diseases, and some medications.

I asked the chronic illness community to share how they describe brain fog to those who don't have it. Their responses were:

"Imagine my brain's running down a hill, but I've no way to stop it."

"It feels like being very drunk!"

"When you wake from a nap and don't know where you are."

"It seems like my brain is mushy."

"It's like a really bad hangover without the super-fun night before."

"Everything seems hard to do."

"Everything is in slow motion."

"My brain's full of crusty porridge that traps the words I need."

"It's akin to having a nightmare where you're trying to scream, but no sound comes out. But you're awake. That's your reality.'"

Fatigue and brain fog are often confused, as both may make you feel exhausted and groggy. Healthy people think fatigue means being tired due to a long day or participating in heavy exercise. However, it's an intense, unrelenting sense of tiredness that rest doesn't relieve.

Brain fog can be more extreme than fatigue. The aftermath of a migraine attack can lead to exhaustion, but the fogginess means you'll also have disrupted thoughts and slower mental reflexes. Not to mention the frustration you'll feel! If you experience brain fog, please seek medical advice immediately.

How brain fog feels

Brain fog varies from day to day and fluctuates throughout the day. Every person also experiences it differently. Whether you have this fogginess for a short or long time, it's frustrating, no doubt about it.

Brain fog’s symptoms look like:

  • Slowness or inability to think clearly
  • Difficulty recalling recent events
  • Trouble absorbing information
  • Poor concentration
  • Inability to focus or being easily distracted
  • Becoming easily confused
  • Difficulty following conversations
  • Long-term memory problems
  • Difficulty performing mental tasks
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Inability to multitask
  • Declining mental sharpness and performance
  • Difficulty remembering words
  • Emotional imbalances and mood swings
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches

My migraine, other conditions, and medication make my brain fog dense and constant. When I convey a message or tell a story, the information and words I need get stuck repeatedly.

When this is at its worst, I lose all sense of time. My husband's often up until 1 a.m. as I try to tell him something that's happened that day. I lose my place often, miss steps, and take detours. I have to get from A to B, but I misplace the ending so often it hurts.

My husband has named my storytelling after my favourite book: "Laura's Alice in Wonderland Ramblings." I used to be like the White Rabbit, constantly aiming to be punctual. Sadly, my timing is now as unpredictable as the Cheshire Cat's actions!

It's as if my brain's been filled with crumb-filled butter, like the March Hare's watch. Now my husband (kindly) cries, "Down the rabbit hole!" when I'm rambling, so I realise I'm talking nonsense and consider what I'm saying more carefully.

As you can see, finding your sense of humour is essential when dealing with chronic problems such as migraine and brain fog. I make fun of myself, as do my family and caregiver. There are often fits of laughter when I say the wrong word – like when I told them I was writing about "brain frog"! I've since struggled not to write "frog" here (ha!).

How does the migraine cycle affect the way I process thoughts?

Migraine tends to come in these four phases:

1. Prodrome: 1 - 2 days before the attack, you may have prodrome symptoms such as mood changes, cravings, or neck pain.

2. Aura: Only around 25% of people with migraine get aura - temporary flashing light-style disturbances, tinnitus, numbness, "pins and needles," etc.

3. Attack: This is usually 4 - 72 hours of throbbing pain on one side of the head, light/sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting.

4. Postdrome: This is often referred to as a migraine hangover. It can feel like a hangover without the previous night's fun.

According to Modern Migraine MD, people who experience brain fog and memory loss during a migraine attack may feel foggy symptoms during any of the four stages. My brain fog lingers in the postdrome stage, leaving my mind feeling mushy and out-of-sorts for days after an attack.

As the pain subsides, "migraine brain" can seem as funny as frustrating. People find themselves doing daft things during their daily routines. I've put tea bags in the washing machine and my mobile in the freezer!

"Migraine brain" really affects my sense of time

I've noticed how difficult it is for me to sense time passing. I've put my time blindness down to using blackout curtains during the day to help with my photophobia (sensitivity to light).

I spoke to my husband and caregiver about my general time management. Both admitted to pulling forward my "leaving times" by 30 to 60 minutes. So, if I needed to be somewhere by 4:00, they'd say we had to leave by 3:00 - even if it only takes 30 minutes to get to where we're going.

As I thought about this, I realised I struggle to plan a day. I have no idea how long I've been brushing my teeth, and I can spend up to 20 minutes in a brushing daze! I need regular reminders when I go out, but I still don't start getting ready until 15 minutes beforehand.

I can no longer tell how long it'll take me to complete a task. I often wildly underestimate the big things and overestimate the small.

My friends know this now. I often find them sat down and settled in when I finally emerge from my bathroom... 20 minutes late.

As my primary caregivers, Joel and Sam have devised different ways of hurrying me along without making me feel babied. Sam often says, "We're not going to chat now, as we've got to…."

I'll acknowledge this pointed comment, but I can't quite join the dots, making us late.

15 Steps to manage "migraine brain fog" or "migraine brain"

Here is a list of the key things I do to help manage my time blindness and brain fog:

1. If focusing is tricky, don't try to multitask

Multitasking is harder with brain fog; trust me. Save your energy by doing one task at a time.

2. Plan for mental breaks

I plan my day with 15-minute breaks every working hour, where I move, meditate, or do something to allow my brain to rest.

3. Experiment with memory-strengthening activities

I keep my brain working as much as I can by doing activities that make me think deeply, such as doing word or maths puzzles.

4. Remember that motivation and reward are directly linked

Choose a reward when you set a goal.

I set myself the task of having a shower by a set time. If I complete this task four times a week, I get a pamper session as a reward.

5. Break things down into small steps

Write the 7-8 steps you need to take to achieve your goal and keep it visible. When you tick it, you'll get a feeling of accomplishment.

6. Talk to your boss about reasonable work accommodations

I can plan my day around what suits me as I work for myself. For instance, mornings are hard for me, so I do most of my work in the afternoon and evening.

If a company employs you, you could be able to get reasonable accommodations at work. Talk with your boss and see what's available.

7. Get yourself out in the sun!

My light sensitivity keeps me in a dimly lit room most days, making my brain feel foggier. Safe sun exposure can boost many brain chemicals.

8. Set (many) alarms

The number of alarms I need has always amused my loved ones, but I can't live without them.

9. On your phone a lot? Use that to your advantage

Use your calendar and reminders to help you be more organised and productive. I set reminders for everything from daily activities to unmissable events.

10. Get yourself a diary (or similar)

I didn't use a diary in 2021 and lost all my motivation to write. So I plan my day using time markers and a wall calendar for visual reminders.

11. Manage app notifications

I wait to open text messages or emails or click on notifications on social media until I've got the time and energy to reply. There's also less chance of forgetting them (but it still happens most days).

12. Give yourself a head start

Get loved ones to help you get out the door for events. My husband gives us contingency time with 45, 30, and 15-minute warnings.

13. Think carefully about how long it'll take to complete a task

My inability to estimate how long something will take can mean sometimes I'm ready an hour early. On the opposite end of the scale, I can also wildly underestimate how long a task will take.

14. Set "time boundaries" with your family and friends

We agree on boundaries when it comes to time. For example, late at night, my husband can tell me to hold a thought until morning without causing upset.

15. Ask for help

I need someone, like my caregiver, to take charge of the time plan on big days that are out of routine, such as hospital appointments. This is shared ahead of time to help me feel in control.

The takeaway

The biggest impact of my condition is my inability to keep time. I only know the time if an alarm goes off or someone tells me. I forget this almost immediately and have no idea how long a conversation or activity has lasted.

I was always on time or early before I had chronic migraine. As a teacher, I knew what I was doing every meticulously-planned 5 minutes of a lesson. Although my new Alice in Wonderland ways can be amusing, they also remind me of what I've lost.

However much I do to try and regulate my fogginess, I will always have difficulty connecting the dots of time blindness and how to manage it. Migraine and brain fog seriously affect my ability to judge how long something will take or how long I've been doing something already.

© 2023 Life Effects by Teva Pharmaceuticals

The individual(s) who have written and created the content in and whose images appear in this article have been paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals for their contributions. This content represents the opinions of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect those of Teva Pharmaceuticals. Similarly, Teva Pharmaceuticals does not review, control, influence or endorse any content related to the contributor's websites or social media networks. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or recommendations. Consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and before beginning or changing any treatment regimen​. 

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Date of preparation: August 2023
D: COB-GB-NP-00190 (V1.0) / T: COB-GB-NP-00230 (V1.0) / M: COB-GB-NP-00210 (V1.0)

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