Migraine and Missing Out: Dealing with the Losses

For Anita*, every migraine attack means missing out on life for days at a time.

122 Relationships & Social Patient Stories - Page 5

A Day in the Life of a Caregiver
6 mins
Marc Lawrence

A Day in the Life of a Caregiver

The Reality of Raising Children with Migraine
7 mins
Ciara O'Rourke

The Reality of Raising Children with Migraine

Don’t Lose Yourself to MS
4 mins
Kat Naish

Don’t Lose Yourself to MS

What I Wish I Knew When I Became a Caregiver
3 mins
Susanne White

What I Wish I Knew When I Became a Caregiver

What MS Took From Me – and What it Gave Back
4 mins
Barbara Stensland

What MS Took From Me – and What it Gave Back

Surviving – and Thriving – Through the Last Stretch of Winter With MS
4 mins
Birgit Bauer

Surviving – and Thriving – Through the Last Stretch of Winter With MS

How to Plan a Birthday with Chronic Illness
4 mins
Sarah Alexander-Georgeson

How to Plan a Birthday with Chronic Illness

5 Ways to Let Friends in In After a Cancer Diagnosis
4 mins
Anna Crollman

5 Ways to Let Friends in In After a Cancer Diagnosis

5 Ways Caregivers Can Help After a Heart Attack
4 mins
Kimby Jagnandan

5 Ways Caregivers Can Help After a Heart Attack

10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Chronic Illness
4 mins
Sarah Bailey

10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Chronic Illness

Trying to Conceive with Chronic Migraine
5 mins
Daisy Swaffer

Trying to Conceive with Chronic Migraine

Anxiety: How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts
4 mins
Claire Eastham

Anxiety: How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts

How to Survive Christmas with Social Anxiety
4 mins
Claire Eastham

How to Survive Christmas with Social Anxiety

What Caregiving Taught me About Holiday Magic
3 mins
Susanne White

What Caregiving Taught me About Holiday Magic

Finding Community Outside of Your Health Condition
2 mins
Olivia Fulton

Finding Community Outside of Your Health Condition

Coming to Terms with Chronic Illness as a Family
10 mins
Laura McKee

Coming to Terms with Chronic Illness as a Family

About Life Effects

Living with one or more chronic conditions affects your life in so many ways. The only people who really know what you are going through are those who have faced the same challenges for years. With that in mind we have created Life Effects, an initiative shaped by patients, for patients.

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