Sarah Alexander-Georgeson

From Pain to Poem: Two Poems about Living with Migraine

Sarah Alexander-Georgeson shares two poems about the consequences of life with chronic migraine.

373 Patient Story Articles - Page 9

How to Talk to Children About Asthma
6 mins
Cróna Tansey

How to Talk to Children About Asthma

5 Tips for Combatting the Winter Blues with MS
4 mins
Birgit Bauer

5 Tips for Combatting the Winter Blues with MS

Understanding Migraine: Prodrome and Postdrome
6 mins
Daisy Swaffer

Understanding Migraine: Prodrome and Postdrome

Caregiving and Friendships: A Lonely Love
6 mins
Teena Gates

Caregiving and Friendships: A Lonely Love

How to Manage Anger and Guilt as a Caregiver
4 mins
Susanne White

How to Manage Anger and Guilt as a Caregiver

Embracing Change with MS
3 mins
Robert Joyce

Embracing Change with MS

Discovering the Philosophy of "Sisu" when Living with MS
5 mins
Birgit Bauer

Discovering the Philosophy of "Sisu" when Living with MS

4 Tips for Surviving Christmas with MS
5 mins
Kat Naish

4 Tips for Surviving Christmas with MS

How Cancer Changed Me as a Person
5 mins
Alice-May Purkiss

How Cancer Changed Me as a Person

4 Self-Care Tips for Caregivers
4 mins
Marc Lawrence

4 Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

3 Ways to Deal with Relationship Anxiety
4 mins
Sarah Bailey

3 Ways to Deal with Relationship Anxiety

4 Ways to Nurture Relationships after a Cancer Diagnosis
4 mins
Alice-May Purkiss

4 Ways to Nurture Relationships after a Cancer Diagnosis

4 Ways Men Can Become Better Caregivers
4 mins
Marc Lawrence

4 Ways Men Can Become Better Caregivers

Coping with Survivor’s Guilt and Cancer
4 mins
Alice-May Purkiss

Coping with Survivor’s Guilt and Cancer

Why Online Therapy Suits My Lifestyle with MS
3 mins
Barbara Stensland

Why Online Therapy Suits My Lifestyle with MS

3 Tips to Remain Resilient During a Crisis
5 mins
Robert Joyce

3 Tips to Remain Resilient During a Crisis