Sarah Alexander-Georgeson

From Pain to Poem: Two Poems about Living with Migraine

Sarah Alexander-Georgeson shares two poems about the consequences of life with chronic migraine.

237 Coping strategies Patient Stories - Page 12

How to Create a Flare-Up Plan with Chronic Illness
3 mins
Sarah Alexander-Georgeson

How to Create a Flare-Up Plan with Chronic Illness

7 Simple Food Swaps When Living with COPD
5 mins
John Bottrell

7 Simple Food Swaps When Living with COPD

Childbirth and Breastfeeding with Depression and Anxiety
3 mins
Megan Potts

Childbirth and Breastfeeding with Depression and Anxiety

How Planning Helps Me Manage Migraine
5 mins
Ciara O'Rourke

How Planning Helps Me Manage Migraine

How I Rebuilt My Life with MS
4 mins
Robert Joyce

How I Rebuilt My Life with MS

Summer, Asthma and Hay Fever: 5 Ways to Manage Your Allergies
2 mins
Beki Tovey

Summer, Asthma and Hay Fever: 5 Ways to Manage Your Allergies

Stress or Anxiety: How Do You Know?
4 mins
Claire Eastham

Stress or Anxiety: How Do You Know?

My Migraine Story Is 6 Words Long
3 mins
Danielle Fancher

My Migraine Story Is 6 Words Long

How to ‘Come Out’ to a Loved One About Your Anxiety
4 mins
Claire Eastham

How to ‘Come Out’ to a Loved One About Your Anxiety

17 (Small) Ways to Brighten Dark Days
4 mins
Sarah Bailey

17 (Small) Ways to Brighten Dark Days

Understanding my Migraine Attacks: Triggers vs. Thresholds
4 mins
Daisy Swaffer

Understanding my Migraine Attacks: Triggers vs. Thresholds

Why ‘Looking Well’ with Chronic Illness is Important to Me
5 mins
Robert Joyce

Why ‘Looking Well’ with Chronic Illness is Important to Me

7 Ways to Navigate Accident and Emergency with Migraine
4 mins
Danielle Fancher

7 Ways to Navigate Accident and Emergency with Migraine

How To Support Someone With Migraine
3 mins
Sarah Rathsack

How To Support Someone With Migraine

Combat Negative Self-Talk: Write a Letter… To Yourself!
3 mins
Kat Naish

Combat Negative Self-Talk: Write a Letter… To Yourself!

7 Distraction Techniques to Combat Feelings of Anxiousness
4 mins
Sarah Bailey

7 Distraction Techniques to Combat Feelings of Anxiousness

About Life Effects

Living with one or more chronic conditions affects your life in so many ways. The only people who really know what you are going through are those who have faced the same challenges for years. With that in mind we have created Life Effects, an initiative shaped by patients, for patients.

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