Tim Wotton

Tim’s Top Tips for Mental Resilience with Cystic Fibrosis

Tim Wotton shares his 5 Top Tips for Mental Resilience with Cystic Fibrosis in this short Life Effects video.

192 Mindfulness or Mental Wellbeing Patient Stories - Page 11

How to Plan a Day Out With Chronic Illness
4 mins
Sarah Alexander-Georgeson

How to Plan a Day Out With Chronic Illness

Housework and Migraine: Doing It My Way
5 mins
Daisy Swaffer

Housework and Migraine: Doing It My Way

Why Decluttering Makes Living With MS Easier
3 mins
Birgit Bauer

Why Decluttering Makes Living With MS Easier

How To Support Someone With Migraine
3 mins
Sarah Rathsack

How To Support Someone With Migraine

Maintaining Work-Life Balance with Severe Asthma
3 mins
Olivia Fulton

Maintaining Work-Life Balance with Severe Asthma

Combat Negative Self-Talk: Write a Letter… To Yourself!
3 mins
Kat Naish

Combat Negative Self-Talk: Write a Letter… To Yourself!

Coping with Chronic Illness: Coming to Terms with the New Normal
4 mins
Sarah Bailey

Coping with Chronic Illness: Coming to Terms with the New Normal

Talking it Over: The Power of Counselling
3 mins
Barbara Stensland

Talking it Over: The Power of Counselling

8 Things Living With Chronic Illness Teaches You
5 mins
Sarah Bailey

8 Things Living With Chronic Illness Teaches You

MS in my Future: Would I Have Wanted to Know?
3 mins
Barbara Stensland

MS in my Future: Would I Have Wanted to Know?

Practicing Gratitude: Being Thankful Despite MS
4 mins
Dan and Jen Digmann

Practicing Gratitude: Being Thankful Despite MS

What MS Has Taught Me About Resilience
4 mins
Birgit Bauer

What MS Has Taught Me About Resilience

6 Tips to Manage Winter Depression
3 mins
Birgit Bauer

6 Tips to Manage Winter Depression

Talking to Your Family About MS: 6 Tips That Work for Me
6 mins
Jackie Zimmerman

Talking to Your Family About MS: 6 Tips That Work for Me

Stress and MS: Keeping Pressure at Bay
5 mins
Kat Naish

Stress and MS: Keeping Pressure at Bay

5 Phrases I Wish People Would Stop Using When Talking About MS
4 mins
Aoife Kirwan

5 Phrases I Wish People Would Stop Using When Talking About MS

About Life Effects

Living with one or more chronic conditions affects your life in so many ways. The only people who really know what you are going through are those who have faced the same challenges for years. With that in mind we have created Life Effects, an initiative shaped by patients, for patients.

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