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Lemonade in the sun

7 Tips to Avoid Summer Asthma Triggers

Reading time | 2 mins

Article Published: June 2019 

Article Reviewed: March 2022

The sky is blue, and the outdoors are calling. So is seasonal asthma. These tips will help you to avoid summer asthma triggers so you can get the most out of this beautiful season. Your asthma will thank you!

Steer clear of smoke

Camping and barbecues are a fun summer staple, but beware of that smoke from wood fires. It can trigger asthma attacks quickly and unexpectedly.

Enjoy the s’mores and steaks. Just try to steer clear of the smoke. And always remember to bring inhalers and medication with you when you travel.

Check the air quality

Even under a cloudless sky, be aware of the air quality. Hotter temperatures can make ozone air pollution worse.

Before you plan your day, check with your local news station for the pollen count and the Environmental Protection Agency for the air quality index (AQI). Try to do more indoor activities if pollen or air pollution levels are high.

Beware of the rainy season

Mold thrives in hot and humid conditions. Heavy rains can increase certain types of mold growth in the summer.

If you’re in for a rainy summer, try to avoid areas where mold tends to grow. That includes wooded areas and piles of compost and cut grass. Throw away rotten firewood, since many types of mold grow on wet wood.

Work out in the morning

It may be best to exercise in the early morning hours, before temperatures get too hot. Shower and toss your clothes in the laundry as soon as you get home so you don’t track allergens inside.

Close your windows at night

Leaving your windows open for that summer breeze allows allergens inside. That may trigger an asthma attack while you’re sleeping. Keep windows closed to reduce allergens in your home. Use the air conditioner to keep indoor air clean, dry, and cool.

Dry your clothes inside

Summer conjures images of clothing drying in the breeze. But drying your clothing outside can attract allergens.

Stay safe by using a clothes dryer or hanging clothing to dry inside.

Ease into outdoor activities

The first nice day after a brutal winter might make you want to picnic, run, swim, and bike all in one day. Try to ease into summer activities instead. Listen to your body. It can take time to adjust to the warmer temperatures and your suddenly busy schedule.

Now get out there and enjoy the warm weather!

For more information on how to manage asthma, reach out to your doctor or healthcare team. 


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